Tuesday, December 19, 2006

guitar hero!

It's all about the hair:

Rock on, Matthew Bingham, rock on...


Peter Tyrrell said...

The hair is undoubtedly without precedent.

My comment, but, relates to the beard. How do you get away with it, Mr. Bing, sir? I have tried on several occasions to be-beard myself and my wife gets this look on her face like she's found nose hair in her cornflakes.


bethy said...

perhaps it has something to do with our beloved father's ever-present facial hair. i can't speak for my sister, but i definitely have a soft spot for men in beards.

Anonymous said...

damn shame, sir, that photo wasn't accompanied by an .mp3. fill in your loyal readers on what you were ripping out at that moment. closer to the heart by rush? love in an elevator by aerosmith? something grunge-sensitive, like black by your beloved PJ?
