Monday, December 18, 2006

a (cold) walk in the park

The Binghams went for a walk in the park today, after doing a couple errands, and it was COLD out there. However, it was beautiful, sunny, and we had spent all weekend indoors hanging out and watching movies so it was nice to get out. We also got a nice picture for your viewing enjoyment:

According to the picture below, I am sprouting wings and an extra head from the right side of me, turning me into a distant cousin of the multi-headed hydra of Greek mythology. Sweet...

Caitlin kept leaping in front of me when I was trying to take a picture of the river and I got a couple funny pics of her as she repeatedly leapt in front of the camera, disturbing my Ansel Adams-esque shot of the opposite bank of the Thames.

However, she is so cute that's it is pretty hard to get annoyed with her shenanigans. And besides, we were both laughing until our sides ached after we looked at the results so it was worth it. There will be other days to show off my photographic genius, I guess.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time! How cold is it there?

James Kingsley said...

dude, i'm sure it's already taken, but the next rock n' roll outfit that you start HAS GOT BE CALLED "HYDRA." at the very least, you could call it "HYDRA x" or something like that.

AJ Renton said...

Oh my... the beard! It's growing.

What does Caitlin think of that hidiousosity? (yes, that is a new word, just for you Matty)

And by the way... Ansel Adams-esque? In your dreams. I see colour for one, no deep contrasts for two, and nothing of a grand rising ridge in the background. You've been upset I got that compliment since high school (thanks Mr. Jung).