Monday, April 03, 2006


well, i've finally started on my last paper of my undergraduate career... i can hear that 'final lap' bell ringing loud and clear now. still doesn't make it any easier to roll up the sleeves and get down to it though. somehow checking all three of my email accounts and looking up one or two things on the internet always seems more important (or at least more appealing) than just sitting down and getting straight to work. who's with me now?

i was chided by a friend of mine the other day that i don't blog enough, so this is my procrastination activity of choice this morning. but really, what is there to say when it feels like your entire life revolves around archaic greek lyric poetry and athenian archaeology? ... well, you may all be interested to know that i actually cried in my greek class last week. that was fun. well, i didn't full-on bawl, but there were most definitely tears in my eyes as i struggled through my mostly-wrong translation of Pindar (curse that talented wretch of a poet!) with corrections being chirped at me from across the table every other word. the only up-side to the situation was that there are only four of us in the class, and, being subject to the same plight, my classmates were shooting sympathetic glances my way and trying to encourage me as best they could. i'm not actually sure if anyone noticed my tears, because once they started to come i kept my gaze firmly on the page in front of me. oh, who am i kidding- even if they couldn't see the waterworks, they surely noticed my newfound stammer as i struggled to compose myself. the rudolph-red nose probably gave me away as well.

oh, the joys of fourth-year greek class. i'm sure it will build character.

1 comment:

The Renegade Librarian said...

I think you are hot, Caitlin! Wanna get married?