Tuesday, March 21, 2006

To the Land of Crawford and Kingsley: a change of plans

There has been a change of plans for the Bingham clan come September. Initially we were heading for Dalhousie University in Halifax until we found out that I was accepted to the University of Western Ontario in London (home of two of the great men that I know, Don Crawford and James Kingsley). As I was applying for grad school, UWO was lowest on my list, but after considering the cost of living, job opportunities for Caitlin, tuition (close to $1500 cheaper!) and learning that London is a very beautiful city Caitlin and I have decided to accept UWO's offer for September 2006. The kicker is that UWO's program is the most cutting-edge, innovative program in Canada for my discipline. We both feel really positive about this choice and are looking forward to this huge change in our lives.


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