Thursday, October 25, 2007

"the hills are alive..."

Yup, you guessed it, we are in Salzburg, Austria, home of The Sound of Music and some dead dude in a white wig named Mozart (no idea who he is...).

This town is one of the most beautiful places we have ever been to and we have loved every minute of our stay here, even if they do hawk the aforementioned cultural icons like there's no tomorrow. The town is small, the mountains are gorgeous, there are castles and other beautiful buildings everywhere, it is clean, and the people are very friendly. We toured the Festung Hohensalzburg, which is the fortress high above the city, and the views from there were fabulous (we took lots of pics!). In addition, we ate chocolate-covered pretzel-shaped doughnuts that were amazing. We have wandered all over the place, laughing at how you cannot escape ol' Wolfgang Amadeus and that problem Maria, which can't be solved (yes, we watched the movie in our hostel--they show it numerous times per day in the "Amadeus Room"!). Austria has been awesome and we are very sad to be leaving tomorrow, but are looking forward to Munich and then our foray into Switzerland next week. Hope you are all well and we love you all very much...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! I just wanted to drop you a line reminding you how jealous I am of your travels and experiences, and that I love and miss you both. I just got back from Ft. Lauderdale Florida yesterday and I can honestly tell you that other than the beaches and the warm weather there is nothing else I like about that city. All you see everywhere is excess in every shape and form juxtaposed with extreme poverty, and its all covered up with this fake presentation of paradise. it's all really quite depressing. But on a good note the trip was very benificial and we have got alot of work out of it, so that made it worth it, oh ya and swiming at midnight while it was poring rain was pretty cool as well.

I hope Munich is treating you well.

Much Love