Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Life in London (after 6 days)

Thus far, life in London has been pretty up and down. The apartment has been the real positive and #408-595 Proudfoot feels like home to us despite the fact that we have only been here for 6 days. As for school, it is going reasonably well also. I have met some nice people, our building and grad lounge are very new and for MLIS student use almost solely. My cohort of 80 is divided into two sections of 40 each so I am not really part of a huge class. Other than a few foreign students, I am the person from farthest away (there is one American and a couple Vancouverites). I had my picture taken for my student card today and I had to remove my ever-present Toronto Maple Leafs hat (a brand new one for starting school, so now my father-in-law won't attempt to burn it!) revealing heinous hat-head and thus I look like an idiot, but it's kind of blurry so you can't really tell as long as you don't look too closely.

Caitlin has been looking for work and is starting to feel more positive about her prospects out here. She stumbled upon a sweet online job database and so she has been e-mailing out resumes like there's no tomorrow. London seems like it has quite a number of job opportunities so it looks like we won't be destitute (presuming that anyone actually calls her for an interview).

That's it for now, but stay tuned for more updates when we have the time and enough stuff has actually happened to be newsworthy. Cheers...


P.S. For anyone who is interested, Caitlin has a new e-mail address that goes something like this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey meat head, sounds like all is well out there.. Just thougth I would remind you that the good old hockey season is coming up fast YAHHHHOOOO!!!! So you better be ready for Vancouver to wipe the floor this year.. See you guys in the playoffs.. Thats is if Van and Toronto make it to the finallys..
Cheers .......