Monday, August 21, 2006

reflections on the wedding from the groom

Two weeks later, I thought I would take a few minutes to comment on our wedding. Firstly, we really could not have asked for a better day. The weather was gorgeous, the lighting in the church (according to our photographer, Robert S. Campbell) was perfect for pics, the ceremony was beautiful and went off without a hitch, and the reception was a blast. The sheer radiant beauty of my bride brought me to tears and I know that it is a moment that I will never forget. When we recited our vows, it felt like it was just the two of us in that church--everything and everyone else just faded out as I gazed into Caitlin's eyes. Both of us were emotional during the vows as we made one of the most important covenants there is to one another.

Other than when Caitlin came down the aisle, my favourite moment of the day was when Andrew and Brent, our MCs, announced us to those gathered at the reception. "City of Blinding Lights" by U2 was fired up by our friend and DJ, Colin, and we walked in to an EXPLOSION of applause. It was deafening and I got the chills up my spine (similar to the ones I get whenever I hear "Where the Streets Have No Name"). The clapping carried on for what seemed an eternity and we felt so much love from all of our family and friends break like a wave over us. How blessed we are to have the people that we do in our lives!! I have subsequently been told by numerous people that they have never heard a reaction like that to a married couple walking into their reception. Now I know how Bono feels when he walks out onstage to greet his tribe!

We have been given our pictures back from our photographers and they are stunning, many people having said they are the best wedding photos they have ever seen. So, here is a shameless plug for our photographer, Rob Campbell. He is brilliant, amazing, and incredibly fun to work with. His photography is of the highest quality and his abilites are unparalleled. Check out his website at to see samples of his work. Rob and Julia, thanks so much for your amazing work. We love and are so thankful for the job that you did and the fact that you were able to share the day with us!

And to everyone else, thanks so much for sharing our wedding day with us. We hope that you had as enjoyable a day and Caitlin and myself. We will be emailing out some of our pics when we have more time. If you would like to get some shots, email us and let us know. And keep checking this blog because it will be being updated far more frequently when we move to Ontario, as will The Bing Dynasty ( Thanks again everyone...



Anonymous said...

I will only speak for myself but I am sure that many would say the same. It was a great day and it didn't have anything to do with the awesome weather, or the fact that Caitlin looked beautiful in her dress, or the fact that you cried like a baby as she walked towards you to be married, or the fact that the bridesmaids and groomsmen were fantastic, or the fact that everyone that was at the wedding or reception looked great, it had everything to do with the fact that so many people would agree that the two of you are in love and will be for the rest of your lives.

I have never been so sad for a great friend of mine to move so far away from me, and even though it will mean me going to the ACC for the first time with him, it will different to live a life with him not so close.

I am really proud of what the two of you have accomplished, and I hope for all the best, and when you have troubles down the road don't forget that you have a friend (I'm sure more then one), to count on back here in Victoria.

Michael Lambert

Ok, ok no crying!

Anonymous said...

That was seriously the best wedding i've ever been too. granted, at almost every wedding i've attended i've been under 12 and didn't really know who anyone was. Still, seeing two people i love so much look so was really beautiful. the whole thing.
There was something magical about that ceremony. maybe it is because i'd never felt so much for the bride and groom or because i can appreciate it now that i'm older, but there was such a feeling of joy in that church that i know only the presence of God can bring.
You two are so blessed to have each other. Know that i'm praying for you.
So, on a less emotional/serious note,
you guys are hot.