Sunday, February 12, 2006

like a blog virgin

well folks, this is it. my first blog posting ever. perhaps i'd better start with a few disclaimers...
first of all, as you'll no doubt already have noted, i'm fairly adamantly opposed to the use of capital letters when i type. the only time i use them, really, is when i'm writing a paper which is going to be read by someone who has a direct influence over my marks at university. on a related note-- and this may come as a terrible shock to those of you who know me-- it's my opinion that 'correct' grammar and syntax (particularly punctuation) are of secondary importance to accurate self-expression in a case such as this, and consequently you may bump in to the odd comma-splice here and there if i deem it necessary to get my point across.
lastly, i can make no promises to post anything of particular import or interest to anyone, since the majority of my activity here will most likely result out of my policy of procrastination and the strict avoidance of doing schoolwork, rather than out of any need to express my extraordinarily insightful thoughts on current events. i'll leave that side of things to my extraordinarily insightful fiancé.
ta-ta for now,
the tait

1 comment:

bethy said...

comma splices?!? say it ain't so!