Sunday, November 25, 2007

an update from the Confoederatio Helvetica

Greetings from the Confoederatio Helvetica, also known as Switzerland! Since leaving Nice we have had the most relaxing and enjoyable time in a little town nestled at the base of the Jungfraujoch, called Interlaken. The hostel here is incredible: clean, comfortable, with an amazing free breakfast, and it is run by the Christians also. Everyone here is so sweet and friendly and they seem to love having us here because of how much we love their country. We have day-tripped to Geneva, which was fun, been back up into the Alps today (to Gimmewald this time--another gorgeously sunny day) and explored the town of Interlaken, which itself is wonderful. We have also had the best Pad Thai of our lives at this little Thai place around the corner from the hostel twice. Sorry about the whole blog being one paragraph, but this machine's Enter key doesn't seem to want to work! Upon arrival in Interlaken after a full day of travel from France, and unsure as to whether we would have accommodations for the night, we arrived at this amazing hostel and were promptly booked into a 7-bed dorm (given a discount too!) with four other Canadians, all of whom were also Christians. We had run into this group in a few other cities on our tour and exchanged pleasantries so it was fun actually hanging out and living together for a couple days. We ate dinner together one night, went hiking, listened to music, and discussed our lives, both where we had been and where we were going (literally and figuratively). We then found out that if you stay five nights in a row at the hostel, the sixth night is FREE, hence we are staying here on Monday night as well before leaving for Paris early Tuesday morning. We are both going to find it hard to leave Interlaken, and Switzerland in general, because it has become a sort of home/haven for us. Matt says he has never felt as relaxed as he does here and Caitlin is continually saying how much she wants to live up in the hills above Interlaken in a wooden Swiss chalet. We will have wonderful memories of our time in Switzerland and both of us have said this is the one place that we will definitely return to for holidays. On a downer note, it's not looking good for our flights getting changed to an earlier date. Our good friend Mathieu is doing all he can to get them changed and has even sent this to his superiors, but thus far there has been no change. He said he will keep trying and let us know if there is a possibility closer to the date. Anyways, much love to all of our family and friends and we will do our best to update the blog again soon! Cheers...

1 comment:

Lindsey Dueck said...

Hey guys! We wish we could have stayed longer in Switzerland too, but Rothenburg was pretty awesome. Today it snowed, huge fluffy flakes. It was gorgeous! You can see pics on our blog if you want. Anyways, hope you guys are good and everything works out with the flights so you can enjoy christmas at home.