Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the Chunderer of Certaldo

We arrived at our guesthouse in Tuscany 2 days ago, had a nice meal, met a new friend, and then went to bed in our very comfortable bed. Then, at 4:30 in the morning, came the chunder! Matt fully barfed (and other things!) and spent the first 24 hours of our stay sick as a dog, running back and forth between the WC and bed. Things are getting better today, but still not perfect--at least his appetite is back and he is taking on food without it coming back up. Just as Matt improves, Caitlin gets a sore throat and seems to be fighting a cold. The good news: today it's pouring with rain and hence we wouldn't have been able to do too much anyways!

Fattoria Bassetto, in Certaldo, Italy, is a charming guesthouse which used to be a Benedictine monastery. There is only one other person staying here as of right now so we have pretty much had the place to ourselves, which has been very peaceful and relaxing--I guess if one had to get sick, this was the place for it to happen. We have been doing alot of sleeping and have also watched some movies and read. From here we head to the Cinque Terre, and then on to Nice.

Traveling is so much fun, but we were discussing how the backpacker lifestyle is totally romanticized--sure it is exciting and a real adventure, but it can be uncomfortable, cold, you don't always eat particularly well and it can be very tiring as. We have learned so much about other places, each other, and ourselves, including how excited we will be to be home and to see our friends and family, despite what a great time we have had and the adventure we've shared.

P.S. We had the craziest crossing from Patras, Greece to Bari, Italy in a major storm. We were unable to dock the boat until 5 hours past our scheduled arrival time, missing our train to Rome and causing us a great deal of anxiety. Neither of us have EVER been on seas that rough--it was totally terrifying. Remind us to share stories when we get back to Canada...

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