Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The French train strike has made the possibility of us getting to Spain quite dicey and thus to avoid losing our deposit money and/or being charged for staying in the hostels we had booked in Spain, we canceled our Spanish jaunt and are now heading back into Switzerland (most likely). We may also head back and see some more places in Germany. We must be in Paris by November 27th to make our hotel booking and then we leave on the Eurostar back to the UK on November 29. It is nice to have so much freedom with our Eurail pass that we can just go where we want at the drop of a hat. We just wanted to update all of you and let you know--when we know exactly where we are going, we will do our best to update you here on the blog. Much love to you all!


Anonymous said...

you're most welcome to stay at my place again! just wanted to make sure that you know that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the phone call on my birthday, Matt and Caitlin. Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. Dad