Saturday, October 06, 2007

a (very quick) update

Hello all,

We are on a dial-up connection here, so this update will be quick. We have landed in London and went into the city on Friday--it was marvellous! I (Matt) was astonished by everything and Caitlin led me around like a 5-year old, trying desperately to make me walk faster in order to catch more. We rode in on "the tube" and saw Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park, Picadilly Circus, Covent Garden, the National Gallery, Parliament, the Thames, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Canadian Embassy, Leicester Square, and a million other amazing things. The driving in downtown London is insane and I am still adjusting to the whole "other side of the road/car" thing. London is an incredible city and I fell in love with it almost immediately--so much more character than any other big city to which we have been. Hopefully we will post pictures soon! We had a good flight, are feeling great, having a wonderful time with Caitlin's aunt and uncle (fantastic hosts!) and are excited about meeting up with our friends Tim and Connie tomorrow as well as continuing on to Brussels on Monday. We hope you are all well also! Cheers...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so great to hang out with you two in ol' Londontown.

Saying goodbye in the London Underground was somehow fitting. Dark, dreary and stinky.

We are home now, dealing with the crap.
Looking forward to all these updates...