Friday, September 14, 2007

coming your way with big changes!!

Well, we haven't updated our blog for a long time because there has really been little of note to talk about. After our initial trials and tribulations in London, our lives very much settled into the ever-predictable work/school routine with very few hitches. However, our visit to BC in August really changed things for us as we realized that our place is home with our loved ones. So, upon returning to London on August 27 we promptly decided to pack up our lives and move back to Victoria at the end of September--the timing was perfect, plus, we were offered a few "incentives" by our family to make the whole idea even more appealing!

If this wasn't enough, the Binghams are taking off on a whirlwind three month tour of Europe and the United Kingdom from October 3 until December 24. We have been talking about this trip since before we got married and we knew that we are never going to have a time like now to do it: no ties, Matt's degree is finished, and we have no jobs! It is proving to be quite challenging to plan the moving of our lives across Canada and a trip of this magnitude. However, with Caitlin at the helm, we have been pinning down all the details and things are looking good. We will post an itinerary here and, most likely, on Facebook for all our fans to peruse once we have it finalized!

We are going to miss our friends here in London very much as they have become an essential part of our lives and we love them. However, we are beyond excited to get back to the natural beauty, relaxed atmosphere, and the people we love that are only found in Victoria. It's funny how much you take a place like British Columbia, and especially Victoria, for granted until you leave--it is only then you realize how incredibly unique it is as far as cities go and what an amazing blessing it is to have grown up there.

Keep checking this space from now on as we will be trying to update y'all as frequently as possible on all of our adventures on the continent. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

How about Port Alberni? Don't you miss the uniqueness of your family in that city north of Victoria? Dad.

The Renegade Librarian said...

Yes Father, I love you all very much. However, other than Sproat Lake and the Swale Rock Cafe, I find very little inherently lovable about the TOWN of Port Alberni itself. I could and would never say the same of Victoria. I hope you are not offended.

Unknown said...

i think your lovable daddy!

The Renegade Librarian said...

Laura, you are such a butt-kisser. And it should be "you're" (as in "you are") rather than "your". :P

Anonymous said...

Now children, stop fighting over your lovable old dad. Port Alberni rules....Victoria sucks!
Love ya! Dad