Monday, December 04, 2006

Reader's Poll: What should Caitlin be when she Grows Up?

since over here in Ontario we have not as of yet received sufficient snow in which to go out and play, i have found myself spending a great deal of my free time as of late engaged in an activity which i find altogether disquieting: thinking. i like to avoid too much thinking in general, but with Matt off at school for most of the day and no one to talk to but myself and God (on the rare occasions i think to), it seems to be pervading my otherwise quite comfortable inner life.

one of the topics on my mind lately has been what i shall do once Matt has his very expensive little piece of paper and hopefully a nice steady job. so, i have decided to research my options. and, having picked up snippets of what Matt is learning in his Research Methods course, i have decided that an opinion poll of our loyal readership may offer insight into what sort of future path those who know me can most readily imagine for me. so without further ado, below are some options i am currently considering (both seriously and less so). you have until midnight on December 31st to respond with the option of your choosing, and an explanation if you so desire, and in January, with the expert help of my husband, i will tabulate the data and publish the official results. you may respond by leaving a comment, or if you prefer, by sending an email to with the subject heading "Opinion Poll Response".

Q: Should Caitlin...

A. Pursue a life-long career in waitressing? (oh gosh, please no)
B. Continue her university career in Greek and Roman Studies and become a professor/sessional instructor?
C. Go to teacher's college and become a teacher?
D. Go into church ministry or work for a Christian organisation, perhaps youth related?
E. Attempt to get a Master's in Speech-Language Pathology and become a Speech Therapist (working with people who have speech disorders, possibly children in particular)?
F. Copy Matt and get a Master's in Library and Info Science?
G. Go against societal expectations and become a hermit, or perhaps just a bum?

Thank you for taking part in this survey, and please feel free to spread the word to anyone you think may have an opinion on what Caitlin should do with her life.


AJ Renton said...

First of all, I am glad you have posted again. We have all missed your writings and thoughts and are glad you're back.

As for the poll...
I will rank the possiblities:

1.Hermit (the most fun I'm sure).
2.Speech pathologist (most different).
3.Teacher (most lucrative and stable).
4.Professor (most related to current skill-set).
5.Christian work (most like you).
6.Waitressing (most current).
7.Librarian (most LAME!).

Okay, just kidding on some. I think you should just follow your dreams. Simple.

Peter Tyrrell said...

Dear Caitlin,

Dear god don't become a teacher. The nation is glutted with education grads who couldn't think of anything else to do. It's hard to find a full-time position in any decent city, the pay is low, the extra-curricular hours are unbelievably long, the (public school) bureaucracy is frustration personified, and the energy levels daily required could power a small sun. Teaching is not the career it was in the days of our fathers. I have no idea why today's youth think teaching is a well-paid and stable job.

Do not become a librarian. Librarians are cool, yes, but is it wise for you as a couple to put all your eggs in one basket? I would say best each to be involved in a different industriy so as to minimize the chance of misfortune. Every sector everywhere is eventually hit by some recession or strike or something. If you do go librarian, at least ensure that you both don't work in the same public or university system.

The academic path in Classical Studies would have to be one of the heart, coz it ain't going to be one motivated by financial reward. As you may or may not know, the current trend in universities is to treat Ph.D.s as slave labour. Sessional instructors make *nothing* and tenure positions are as rare as hen's teeth. It's disgusting, actually, considering the sheer amount of money universities are raking in from record enrollment.

Working for a ministry is sweet and all, but there's no reason you can't fulfill your service needs by volunteering your time to the church or ministry of your choice evenings and weekends.

Have I shot down everything yet? Oh, waitressing. Not intellectually fulfilling and financially limited. There.

Speech and language pathology is actually a good idea. There are too few (in BC anyway) and as a result, it's easier to get a good position that's well paid. Ask my Dad about details - he's working as one right now.

So far my tone may seem exceedingly mercenary. That is because I speak from experience and my vision no longer suffers from the detrimental effects of stars in my eyes. Having seen a flotilla of friends and relatives go through career choices, I can say it *is* absolutely important to be doing something that fulfills you as a human being, blah blah blah, but it is *just as equally important* to set yourself on a financially sound path.

So, my final recommendation does not find itself on your list. Your husband is going to be in a unionized environment, or at least one that comes with benefits. These medical and dental benefits are going to cover you, the spouse, as well. Go into business.

Anonymous said...

Caitlin...Considering how I know you and I want what's best for you I have the following advice regarding what you should do vocation wise:

1. God gave you an above average IQ, brains like a sponge and the work ethic to go with--I think you will be most satisfied in a job where you can put these gifts to work,where intelligence counts and where you are challenged
2. Only go into ministry full time if you feel strongly called...otherwise just do it part time volunteer because you want too
3. Although Librianship might be a good job pick for you I would encourage you to do somthing different than don't want to be competing for jobs and I've always thought that couples who did the exact same thing and end up working together dont look forward to seeing eachother as much at the end of the day (plus, then you can't make fun of Matt for being a librarian ;)
4. You've got too much class and you are too pretty to be a bum....however if by bum you mean "let Matt do all the work and make the money" you may be on to something...haven't you worked hard enough?
5. Too many teachers exist in the mom's one. Plus I think the world of teaching is getting more and more messed, especially with kids
having no healthy family structure.
6. Linguistics was your first inclination during your early studies...and I think its a needed area of profession
7. Don't do anything for the money...but having a job that pays a lot never hurts.
8. What about editing? wasn't that a thought once? I think you'd be good at that
9. It doesn't really matter what you do if you are loving the Lord, loving those around you and using the gifts you got to bless others

I'd love to know how the tabulation goes.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Taitrin my love! I choose E. And none of this "attempting". JUST DO IT!


Anonymous said...

Caitlin, I think you should go with E...but becoming a bum/hermit does sound appealing.
Although, like Suzanne, I feel that your good looks would be put to waste if you deprived society of them.
PS since you CRAVE news from home, i need to write you a good long update soon on all aspects of my life.