Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ode on a Late-80s Japanese Sedan

Behold the Sentra in all her salty majesty,
Long hath she toiled through snow and sleet,
Her reliability is a joy to her master,
Her gas mileage a wonder to behold.

Many younger cars have long since passed away, oh little grey beauty,
But you continue to motor on, the kilometres rolling,
Like so many raindrops off your ancient windshield,
As you transport the Bing Man to his destination.

Long have you served our family,
Offering very little in the way of problems,
An oil change here, a new hose there,
Transmission fluid, your lifeblood.

May you roll on and on (and on, for Matt & Caitlin's bankbook's sake),
Until the day we are parted,
And you take your rightful place,
In that special scrapheap in the sky.

Long have I loved and admired you, oh steadfast grey sedan
And I am thankful for your service,
While I am comforted by the sound of your tires,
As they continue to roll along the open road.

-By Matthew Paul Bingham


AJ Renton said...
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AJ Renton said...

That thing is looking nasty! Get her a carwash will you.

Long live the Sentra!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Beautiful. I cried.