Saturday, September 23, 2006

ode to marital bliss

It is 10:15 on a hot Saturday night here in London and I am sitting here with my lovely wife, each of us doing our respective thing, her reading her book, me updating the blog. I was just thinking how nice it is to just be together and how much I enjoy jmy wife's company. We don't necessarily have to be doing the same activity together, but just to sit in the same room, hanging out, and having the occasional discussion is a very comfortable place in to be. I really love being married exactly for that reason. The friendship and coexistence factor is wonderful as is going to bed together and waking up next to one another. I can't imagine coming out here and undertaking such a mighty feat as doing my Masters degree without Caitlin being here to share it with me. I would have been really lonely and depressed. Thankfully, she was up the the challenge and together we have faced everything, both good and bad, that has been thrown our way. I can see now why there is nothing on earth as valuable to a man as a good wife. It makes all the difference!



Anonymous said...

hey Caitlin and Matt!
I found your blog while browsing gillian's and found out that you, in fact, are married already!! this is so cool! so congrats from my side of the world. I'm in Lisbon now, travelling before my master's program starts in mid October. I'll move to Switzerland for grad school, not quite as far away as you guys, but to a different country...
I'd love to see some wedding pictures. My email address is

Patricia said...

You guys are the cutest. I appreciate this post Matty. I miss ya both lots. check out my blog if you wanna know what I'm up to. know the rest.
