Monday, April 02, 2007

the Smiths bring their show to the Forest City

Caitlin and I spent the last week with her parents, who arrived in London on March 23. It has been really nice to see family since we have not seen a member of our family since the end of August. We spent much time eating out and relaxing. We introduced Ken and Kathy to the game Settlers of Catan and I must admit that it was the most entertaining game of "Settlers" that Caitlin and I can remember! Here are some shots:

There was also an epic game of the monumentally outdated "Super Quiz", which saw Kathy execute a come-from-behind victory over her husband, while Caitlin and I struggled embarrassingly in the rear!

It was tough to say goodbye yesterday, but some really good memories were made and I gained more weight as a result of the all the good food I ate! Thanks for the fun times, Ken and Kathy! Enjoy the rest of your jaunt through Ontario...


bethy said...

ack, mom and dad have played settlers and i haven't? i am so not cool.

Peter Tyrrell said...

Beware. Settlers is a "gateway" game which will lead you to crave harder and harder games until your face rots off and you're crawling in the gutter asking strangers if they can spare any ore.